In 2020, "Kremerata Baltica" was feeling the impact of the pandemic. Members of the orchestra, residing in three different countries could not get together for rehearsals and performances. Despite that, musicians continued to actively play music and develop each in their own country. As a result, a new ensemble was born in Latvia - "Kremerata Lettonica"!
"Kremerata Lettonica" is an ensemble consisting of Latvian musicians of the chamber orchestra "Kremerata Baltica". The first independent concerts were played in the summer of 2020.
In the 2021 season, the ensemble managed to perform not only in Latvia (Dzintari Concert Hall, Saulkrasti Chamber Music Festival, Wagner Hall), but also in Germany, at the Ansbach Bach Festival, and in the fall went on a concert tour to Canada - playing in Toronto's Koerner Hall, Bath Medium Security Institution, Ottawa's Carleton Dominion-Chalmers downtown and Montreal's Salle Bourgie.
The direction of Lettonica's artistic activity is combining classical music masterpieces and yet unheard scores with brand new works, written and dedicated specifically to Kremerata Lettonica. In the 2021 season, Kristaps Peterson's 'Music for a large ensemble' and Peter Morrison's 'Sweet Final Breath, linger thou Eternal' were premiered.
The musicians' enthusiasm, energy and curiosity about what is happening around them are the qualities that the Latvian ensemble has drawn from the outstanding musician and violinist Gidon Krēmer for almost 25 years. Being side by side and playing with the genius of the world, the members of Kremerata Letonica are charged with knowledge and ready to share with the audience!