Love is the beginning and end of everything, and music complements it.
In this post-pandemic era of technology, where physical contact has become a luxury and human relationships are driven by followers, likes and views, we must reconnect with the greatest source of power on Earth: love. That inner energy that lies within us and identifies us as emotional beings. Love for ourselves for who we are and what we do, but much more important - love for the other person who carries the heavy burden of history and struggle - humanity.
Las Karamba, who have played over 40 concerts across Europe, are embarking on the Humanity tour this 2023, while also presenting part of their next album, scheduled for release in 2024. The multicultural group, made up of six migrant women from Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina and Catalonia, was formed in Barcelona in 2018. Now they have created a new, full of energy, welcoming, warm performance, full of musical colors that will touch every listener. And they still have a lot to tell and a lot to change.