The band's repertoire includes arranged Lithuanian folk songs and instrumental pieces. Almost half of the repertoire consists of songs by Stasys Bugenis, the former long-time leader of the band. Currently, the band leader Vesta Trimirkienė is expanding the repertoire with new songs and adding original songs by various artists that are popular with the audience. The songs performed by the band have been heard on the airwaves of the radio station "Pūkas" for many years and are regularly requested by the listeners in televised greeting concerts.
2022 is an exceptional year for the Biyotai. The town was declared Lithuania's Little Capital of Culture. The folk music band "Bijotaičiai" performed at the concerts of the Bijoti Manor Festival, was filmed in the LRT studio and on the "Duokim garo" programme. The band took part in the Baltic Festival in Šiauliai "Ant rubežiaus", the 20th jubilee international festival of bands in Sejny, Poland.