Vilnius University Song and Dance Ensemble is the oldest student song and dance ensemble in Lithuania, one of the most valued promoters and disseminators of folk art, renowned for combining innovative and archaic elements in its programmes."By cherishing folk art, we are giving it a new content, a new form. - this is how Vidas Aleksandravičius, the ensemble's long-time artistic director, has described the ensemble. This is the artistic direction in which the ensemble is currently led by artistic director Eugenijus Čiplys, choir director Dovilė Mačiukaitė, orchestra director Virginija Alenskienė, and dancers Indrė Alaburdienė, Roberta Leščinskaitė, and Albertas Švelginas.
When Genovaitė Dumčiūtė-Breichmanienė founded the university's girls' dance group in 1940, no one could have imagined that in a few dozen years it would grow into an ensemble of dozens of musicians, dancers and singers.
Over the years, the ensemble has been nurtured and shaped by many excellent dance, choir and orchestra directors, professionals in their respective fields, such as V. Bartusevičius, J. Lingys, J. Gudavičius, V. Aleksandravičius, T. Kalibataitė, A. Gimžauskas, A. Krogertas, V. Baumila, J. Cijūnėlis, E. Pundys, A. Balčiūnas, V. Četkauskas, E. Morkūnienė, D. Čičinskienė, A. Vidugiris, A. Kirilauskas, V. Mikutavičius, K. Mikiška, A. Asevičius, V. Verseckas, V. Abaris, A. Kirvaitienė, S. Taukinaitienė, H. Uznys, D. Aleksandravičienė, etc. The big plans were ruined by the pandemic, but the festive mood was still burning in the hearts of the ensemble members.
During more than eighty years of its activity, the Vilnius University Song and Dance Ensemble has repeatedly won victories in art competitions, laureates of various reviews, and achievements in youth festivals. The ensemble can also be seen at every Song Festival, Baltic Student Song and Dance Festival "Gaudeamus". The ensemble's concerts fascinate not only the audience in Lithuania, but also fans of folk art from all over the world - Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Australia, Mongolia, the USA, etc.
The ensemble currently consists of more than 100 dancers, musicians and singers. For them, the ensemble is the best way to spend their free time, a second family, where they are happy to gather after lectures, papers or hard exam sessions. All the dancing, playing and singing students in the ensemble fly through life with a love for the ensemble, knowing how to save and plan their study time, understand and appreciate folk art, enriching the ensemble itself with their sincerity and energy. The ensemble's programmes always include authentic and arranged folk songs, dances and musical pieces, and are always embellished with student spirit and professionalism.