I first discovered TRE exercises in the summer of 2018 while browsing the internet. At the time I was volunteering in Portugal and teaching yoga in an ecological project. The nature was beautiful, the weather was warm, the people were wonderful and caring, and I loved the activity. But... I couldn't understand what was stopping me from being free, happy and easy to fly like a hand? There was no one to blame. From the outside, all the conditions of life seemed to be perfect. But how to cope with some difficulty inside me? My body was heavy and my mood was depressed. I still remember the relief I felt the first time I did the TRE exercises. I went outside and started jumping lightly for joy. That was the beginning of my search and further exploration into TRE. Today I am a graduate of the official TRE teacher training course in London. Although TRE is quite a well-known technique in different countries around the world, I was probably the first Lithuanian to teach this exercise. TRE has helped me to release "some" tension that was holding me back and preventing me from enjoying life freely. I used to think that I wanted to become a person without tension, but then I realised that tension and relaxation are like night and day, or a plus and a minus that allow us to experience life. I am learning to make friends with the different states of myself.