Ignas Krungulevičius is a composer and visual artist with a BA and an MA in Composition Studies obtained from the Norwegian Music Academy. While most of his work consists of installations, video art and sculptures, the artist also works as composer, creates musical performances and actively participates in electronic/contemporary music festivals as well as film festivals.
Krunglevičius’s creative work is based on researching the interactions of existential realities generated by power, economy, nature, and global technological development, emphasising new technologies and their relation to the mechanisms of the human psyche. Through the use of sound, the artist alters the human perception of space and its semantics. Krunglevičius’s work is often based on group therapy sessions, documentary material from police interrogations and psychiatric interview manuals which he uses as a springboard. He then continues by combining sound, colour and texts to create certain situations meant to elicit empathy with the desired psychological state. The artist is also interested in the methods and systems used in society to control individuals and situations.
Ignas Krunglevičius’s works have been exhibited in both solo and group shows at the Vilnius Contemporary Art Centre (Lithuania), Ursula Blickle Stiftung (Germany), Oslo Kunstforening (Norway), and the Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art (Poland), among other art institutions. Krunglevičius was awarded the Sparebankstiftelsen DnB NOR stipendutstilling Art Prize in 2009, and nominated for the Nam June Paik Award in 2010, which gave him the opportunity to organise an exhibition at the Museum Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf. In 2009, his work was presented at the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Art Festival, where he received an honorary mention.