Ilze Reine was born ini 1970 in the city of Smiltene, Latvia. She attended the piano class at the Music College in Cesis, at the same time studying organ with L.Krastina. She continued her organ studies at the Latvian Music Academy with doc. L.Bulava (received bachelor's degree in 1997, and master's degree in 1999), at the High School for Church Music in Herford (Germany), and attending master classes held by J.Laukwick, H.Vogel, B. van Oosten and E.Kooiman. The young musician has goven concerts in Latvia, Germany and Hungary.
Simultaneously with the studies Ilze Reine has worked as an organist of the Evengelic Lutheran parish in Rauna, but since 1997 she is the organist and the church choir leader of St.John's Church in Riga, being also responsible for the musical musical life of the parish