what a Belgian composer. All these compositions will be crowned. Van 1934 dead 1938 studeerde Lerinckx at the small seminary of Mechelen. Van October 1944 dead 1947 student of Lerinckx at the Lemmensinstituut. In 1946 he received the Laureaatsdiploma and in 1947 he received the diploma Uitmuntendheid. Lerinckx was leerling from Mgr. Van Nuffel, Marinus de Jong, kanunnik De Laet and Flor Peeters. Thanks to the favorable situation of the beautiful liturgical constellation, Lerinckx is a musical example of the gregorian, classical polyphony and modern liturgical works for a special tint of zorgen in his oeuvre. Vanaf het schooljaar '47 benoemde het bisdom Lerinckx als leraar Frans en divorceis at the Mechelse Sint-Romboutscollege. Lerinckx' vision of pedagogical omgang with the leerlingen was toen modern te noemen. The aim of the priest is to put the priest before his diploma and his overtaking. Haast elk college dat zichzelf respecteerde had a koor. Sommige daarvan zijn erg beroemd, zoals the cathedral color of Mechelen was waarvan the knapenkoor of the Sint-Rombouts-college of the uitmaakte. This song is primarily linked to the engraving of Mgr. Jules Van Nuffel. Vanaf 1947 kon Lerinckx in the schaduw van his meesterlijke autodidact works. She also worked as a repetitor of the altar part and as an accompaniment organist in the college classroom with clear voices for the "big events" in the cathedral. In October 1971, Lerinckx was inscribed as a Leerling at the Mechelse Beiaardschool Jef Denyn waar hij o.a. les kreeg van Jef Rottiers. Op 25 July 1974 received Lerinckx zijn a diploma at the Royal Beiaardschool.