explores the intricate relationship between non-human entities and human creativity alongside humanity’s environmental impact. He holds an MA from the Vilnius Academy of Arts (1999), an MPhil from Goldsmiths University of London (2016), and a PhD from Bauhaus University Weimar (2022). Since 2015, he has been an artistic associate at Bauhaus University Weimar, later becoming a research fellow in 2022. He co-founded Institutio Media, Lithuania’s leading media art platform, in 1998, and Migrating Art Academies, supporting emerging artists across Europe from 2008 to 2017. In 2016, he helped establish Berlin’s first TOP community biolaboratory. In 2019, Gapševičius founded Alt lab, a Vilnius-based hub for interdisciplinary research, and in 2024, he launched the Centre for Non-machines Research in Athens, demonstrating his dedication to pioneering exploration.