Nato in Costa Rica in a local family, Rodney Prada started his musical studio in his native city. If you transfer to Italy, you have to follow the training course at the Civic School of Music by Claudio Abbado, you have to dedicate your studio to the viola da gamba with Roberto Gini, and you have completed it under the guidance of Vittorio Ghielmi. Riconosciuto for the intensity and versatility of your interpretation, other than for an innovative technical approach, inspired by the richness of the Italian and European musical panorama. Collaborated with first quality piano ensemble Il Giardino Armonico, Holland Baroque, Il Pomo d'Oro, Concerto Italiano, Il Suonar Parlante, Accademia del Piacere, La Venexiana, L'Arpeggiata, L'Amoroso, Labyrinto, L'Estro d'Orfeo , Accademia Bizantina, La Capella della Pietà de' Turchini, tenendo concerti nelle maggiori istituzioni musicali in Europa, Asia e in nord e sud America. Other than the ancient repertoire, experiences and contemporary music in which we contemplate the use of ancient instruments in current musical contests. Ha inciso per Teldec, Erato Warner Classics, Sony, Astrée, K617, Opus111, Winter&Winter, Alpha, Virgin, Passacaille, Symphonia, Glossa, Arts, Naive e Tactus. Insegna viola da gamba presso la Civica Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado di Milano.