Tomas Kiauka studied theology and philosophy at the Universities of Erlangen (1993-1997) and Heidelberg (1997-2000). In 2005, at the University of Heidelberg, T. Kiauka defended his doctoral thesis Zeit und Theologie. Philosopisch-theologische Studien zum Problem Zeit. Since 2009 he has been working as a senior researcher at the Centre for Evangelical Theology at Klaipėda University. In 2014, the Centre was merged with the Institute of History and Archiology of the Baltic Region of Klaipėda University. Since 2011, T. Kiauka, Doctor of Humanities, has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts of Vilnius Academy of Arts in Klaipėda.
He teaches seminars at the University of Hanover as part of the Gastseminar programme.
Together with Prof. Haerle of the University of Heidelberg, T. Kiauka has compiled, translated, and written an introductory study for the book God's Footprints.
T. Kiauka writes essays, is a member of the editorial board of the publication "Kultūros barai" (2008-2013) and a member of the PEN club.
T. Kiauka's research interests are articulated in the interdisciplinary contexts of religion, philosophy and art and their interactions: the philosophy of religion and the philosophy of art, the problems of human identity in a globalized and mediatized world, the cultural memory of East Prussia and the contemporary situation of humanities scholarship.