Born in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture. Graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department of Iwamurata High School, and Showa University of Music, where he completed his graduate studies. Studied in Italy from 2012-13 and 2015-17 with the support of the Tateishi Nobuo Overseas Study Scholarship, the Shimohachigawa Keisuke Overseas Music Study Fund, and the Showa University of Music Association Overseas Study Scholarship. He has been well-received for his performances in opera gala concerts and solo recitals in Milan and other parts of Japan. He won the highest award at the Japan Classical Music Competition, was selected for the Italian Vocal Competition, and won third place at the Pesaro International Music Competition in Italy, among other competitions. He has studied under Takahashi Kikuko, Matoba Tatsuro, Fernando Cordeiro OPA, Evghenia Dundekova, and GIovanna Canetti. He also performed with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra at Festa Summer Music Kawasaki 2011, and with the orchestra at the 40th anniversary gala concert of Showa University of Music Association at Suntory Hall, where he received favorable reviews. He also performed as a soloist in "Messiah" and "Symphony No. 9". He made his opera debut in 2010 as Ghino in Showa University of Music Opera "Pia de' Tolomei". He subsequently performed in the same performance as Fenton in "Falstaff", Riccardo in "Oberto - Count of San Bonifacio", Elvino in "La Somnambulist". He also appeared in the roles of Nemorino in "The Elixir of Love", Tebaldo in "The Capuleti and the Montecchi", Alfredo in "The Bat", Alfredo in "La Traviata", Duke of Mantua in "Rigoletto", and Count Alberto in "The Accidental Thief". After playing the role of Arturo in "Lucia" at Arte Rica Shin-Yuri 2011, he successfully performed in the roles of Gaston in "La Traviata", Zeffirino in "The Voyage to Reims", and Goro in "Madame Butterfly" in 2015, and also gave a successful performance as Ise Saburo in "Shizuka and Yoshitsune" at the Japan Opera Association. In 2017, he formed Traumerei with Tomosugishi Masashi, and successfully toured three locations nationwide. He is a member of Forte Salon, a member of the Saku Performers Association, a member of the Japan Opera Association, and a member of the Fujiwara Opera Company. (July 2022)