The poet Uršulė Toleikytė was born on 2 November 1992 in Švėkšno (Šilutė district), lives in Vilnius. In 2011 she graduated from Švėkšno "Saulės" gymnasium.
The artist, who has been publishing and reading her poems since 2019, has a wide range of interests - not only poems, art fusion, theatre and philosophy, but also cartoons, coexist harmoniously.
In 2021, U. Toleikytė won the "Literaturinės slinkčių" competition, and her poems were published in the publications "Ziemeļ Atėnai", "Nemunas", "Poezijos pavasario" almanacs, and elsewhere. His works have been translated into English, Polish and French. Her poetry has received positive reviews from literary critics in the cultural publications "Literatūra ir menas" and "Naujasis židinys-Aidai".
The collection "Šuo vaiduoklis", published by the Slinktys Publishing House in 2024, is dominated by an intense, fragmentary and dark poetics, childhood and adolescent experiences, memories - small but significant details that make up the person's identity. The depiction of the processes that are significant for the development of personality, the anxiety, alienation and distance experienced by a modern man, and the relationship with those around him. There is a strong interest in the inner man, in the deeper layers of the psyche, in the sphere of (un)consciousness, but "Ghost Dog" doesn't stop there - the aim is to grasp a more general social context.
U. Toleikytė's works are surprising for their interesting stylistic rendering, exceptional observations and sincere touch to the reader's subconscious. There is a sense of lightness, professionalism and thoughtful details in her work. The author's poems have a dense emotional charge, which is not diluted or explained, making it difficult to get through to the reader. The uniquely placed images often create an unsettling atmosphere.