Organist, educator, and composer Vidas Pinkevičius is an active promoter of organ art and improvisation. He shares his experience through his blog, lectures, seminars, demonstrations, concerts, and radio shows. Pinkevičius graduated from the E. Balys Arts Gymnasium in 1994 and the organ class at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2000, where he received qualifications as an organist, choir director, and pedagogue. He also participated in international music events in Poland, Sweden, Austria, and the USA, studied at the Gothenburg Organ Art Center and Eastern Michigan University, where he earned his second master's degree. Pinkevičius teaches organ, piano, and music theory disciplines at the National M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts, serves as the organist of St. John's Church in Vilnius, and leads the organ studies program "Unda maris" at Vilnius University. In 2008, he recorded the compact disc "The Great Organ of St. John's Church in Vilnius" with flutist Giedrius Gelgotas.