Następna sesja: sob, 17 maj 2025, 18:20
Cena:10.00 €
Taujėnai Manor season opening concert.
You will be welcomed by the Outdoor Event, Groups, "Vartai", "Polerizuoti stiklai" performers Laimonas Dinius and Ligitas Kernagis
Programme of the event:
18:20 - 19:30 Ligitas Kernagis
19:40 - 20:50 Laimonas Dinius
21:00 - 22:10 Grupė "Vartai"
22:20 - 23:30 Grupė "Polerizuoti stiklai"
The park will open its doors from 12:00 pm, the event is free of charge for the inhabitants of the guest house of Taujėnai manor.
Tickets for the concert are free and non-refundable.