"The Last Bremen Town Musicians After 20 Years" is a documentary-based live musical performance that reveals the secrets of what happened to the legendary band over the years. The group, which is beating like fish on the shore, having held more than 250 concerts, is restless and dives deep with a new program. The longed-for moments of life will be joyfully remembered together.
Bremen's musicians, who keep their wits about them, prepare unexpected surprises for you. Well-known performers who do not need an introduction will appear: Ilona Balsytė, Darius Auželis, Aidas Giniotis, Aurimas Meliešius, Sigitas Mickis, Dalius Skamarakas. The musical force will strike again with a charge of good and memorable emotions, driving away boredom and immersing you in a whirlwind of the best emotions.
Come and experience them with the Keistuoliai!