Gyitis Bernardas Padegimas' performance "Philadelphia, Here I Am!" is based on a play by Brian Friel, which he dedicated to his Father and Mother. In it, Friel describes the emigration of a young man, Gar O'Donnell, from his home, from his hometown, from his native Ireland. In this now arguably classic story, it is the relationships between people that are central, and that come to the fore at a crucial moment in a person's life. This work is therefore less about emigration and more about its effects on the human soul. She is inevitably ambivalent as the main character of the play, who starts to see things from different positions: from within and without. This drama is the most sensitive, and it is enriched with Irish folklore, the actors' Dzūkija temperament, and the symbolic set design. Padegimas speaks about the deepest layers of man and nation, but he does so with a northern restraint, without over-dramatising or overdramatising the situation. The director simply suggests that you discover your inner Philadelphia by patiently and persistently moulding your life in the here and now with the people close to you: that is the greatest privilege of life itself.