Play Caligula, written by the French writer and philosopher Albert Camus, sounds extremely relevant in our dramatic times. The present times, constrained by the virus, hold a mirror in front of us and ask: why do you exist, what is happening, will your creations be wiped out from the surface of the Earth? Some say that the virus is a message from God, others – that it is the revenge of nature for human expansion and insensibility. Nevertheless, director Agnius Jankevičius describes the current state as a danger to habits, greatness, mercantilism, and the future. The performance Caligula of the National Kaunas Drama Theatre challenges our daily lives and asks: who are you? The virus of Caligula is a riot of the element against the comfortable and logical order of “gods”; it is a reminder that we are only temporal beings, and our “divinity” is merely an illusion.