"Mother" of the Vilnius small theater is an interpretation of Maxim Gorky's classic play "Mother (Vasa Železnova)", created by director Kiril Glušaev, set designer Marijaus Jacovskis and actors Eglė Gabrėnaitė, Mindaugas Capo, Mantos Vaitiekūnas, Gintarė Latvėnaitė, Agnes Šataitė and others.
In the world of the stage created by Kirill Glushaev, it is cramped and cramped - both literally (scenography) and figuratively (relationships). That world is full of revenge, hatred, aggression. Tensions build until they explode, erupting in uncontrollable fits of rage and violence. The lingering tension is almost material, physical - it seems you could touch it.
The Mother, played by Eglė Gabrėnaitė, is not a stereotypical Russian merchant, a "capitalist" who exchanged maternal feelings for desperate efforts to preserve the family's name and property. In her black clothes and gloomy silence, she hides tender feelings and a dream of a future when it will be possible to start a new life.
As theater researcher Rasa Vasinauskaitė wrote, "Everyone - Gintarės Latvėnaitė's wife, Pavel's wife Liudmila, who dreams of starting a new family, Mantos Vaitiekūnas Semions and his wife, Agnes Šataitė's Natalja, who imagine themselves as the owners of a jewelry store in the city, even Ilona Kvietkutė's roommate Lipa and Mindaugas Capo's Michails - are affected by revenge, directed not so much against his mother, Vasa Železnova, but against his own helplessness and condemnation. That is why one gets the impression that those sharp outbursts of aggression, that fierce thumping of a focused group, around which Anna, Vasa, circle with huge steps, are a curse that even the future generations of the Železnovs will not overcome."