"The Turk in Italy" is a comic opera that tells the story of Prosdocimo, a poet living in Naples. Suffering from a creative drought, he decides to look for witty moments in real life to become the starting point for his new comedy.
In a gypsy camp, Prosdocimo meets a confused old friend, Don Geronio, who is looking for a fortune teller who can read his future from the palm of his hand. The clever gypsy Zaida laughs at the naive men. However, intrigued by the gypsy, Prosdocimo discovers her own past. It turns out that Zaida had to flee Prince Selim's harem because she was wrongly accused of infidelity. Zaida is terribly sad because she still loves the prince and longs to return to him. Prosdocimo promises to help the gypsy to beautify her happiness.
Meanwhile, friend Geronio's young and flirtatious wife Fiorilla, tired of the routine of married life, enjoys the pleasures of changing lovers. Just then, a charming and rich Turk arrives in Naples. The oriental immediately notices the beautiful Fiorilla, and she, sensing the potential of a new passion, invites the Turk to her house to drink coffee. To the horror of her husband, Don Geronio, and her lover, Narcissus, the Turk agrees to pay a visit to Fiorilla - "to bend the cup".
However, Prosdocimo learns that this Turk is Prince Selim and is the love of the gypsy Zaida's life. Prosdocimo realizes that he has unexpectedly assembled the perfect team of characters for his new comedy. And how this intriguing love drama unfolds, you will find out during the performance.