"Don't clutter up the world with your "I", become transparent, permeable to wind, sound, light, to the other, because there is no self without the other." (Vytis Jankauskas)
At the center of this artistic process is the process of decreting the human personality. The word "decreation" means the opposite of creation. The process of decreation is a conscious renunciation of one's own "I", suspending it and directing attention towards what is beyond it i.e. i.e. reality itself, the world with all its diversity, and he himself at that moment reveals himself as an unprivileged part of it all, merging (interacting) with his environment as a whole.
It is an attempt to experiment, create, and activate new forms of intersubjectivity born from the creators' ethical concern, perceiving choreography as a certain practice (activity) of organizing relations between various bodies.