A dreamlike and elegant flight through the sky, up and down, a flight that is as light as a feather, as graceful as the flick of a fish's tail in the ocean. The unique, ephemeral, moment-to-moment movement of the large puppets made of polyethylene films will remind some of a gliding bird, others of a swimming fish; they will take them to the underwater world, others to the heights of the sky, or maybe to the sea dwellers diving through the vaults of the sky. And invite you to see their beautiful, peaceful, perhaps a little sad dance. According to palaeobiologist Jan Zalasiewicz, "All the plastic ever made is enough to wrap the whole world in plastic wrap". On land, we dig deep, we hide plastics in landfills, we cover them with clods of earth, leaving enigmatic traces of our era for future generations, but the fate of plastics that reach the oceans is very different. Some of it will wash ashore or be eaten by wildlife: birds, turtles, fish and whales mistake plastic debris for food and then choke to death or starve to death as their stomachs become blocked. Most of the plastic will remain in the ocean, where it will break down into small fragments - microplastics. Microplastics have already been found not only in the world's oceans, but also in the Mariana Trench and the Antarctic ice caps. Microplastics are also found in the marine animals that humans consume, which means that the plastic cup we throw away will one day return to our dinner table. We eat what we have thrown away. Life came from the water, and so did man. If plastic, which covers the entire ocean and suffocates it, is slowly pushing its inhabitants out of their homes, if waves of jellyfish are washing up with cellophane bags instead of jellyfish, and if plastic containers are replacing threatened and endangered fish species in the oceans, what is the future for humans?