Theatrical concert "Cabaret" by the ensemble "Nepaklusnieji".
Cabaret is a style of communication that usually reveals the deep truths of life in a satirical, grotesque form. At the same time, it is also a style of music close to street music in its joyful atmosphere and sense of nostalgia, like a fragile love story unfolding in the street, and a space where strange characters come together, tearing off their official masks of the day, and disguising themselves in smiles and make-up.
"Nepakoblennieji" embarks on an unpredictable cabaret world by weaving together in a single programme the works of the famous cabaret composers, W. Bolcom, K. Weill and Ch. Chaplin, songs by famous Lithuanian composers O. Balakauskas, M. Novikas, F. Bajoras and V. Bartulis, and instrumental pieces.
Artists: Stein Skjervold - baritone (Lithuania/Norway), Rasa Vosyliūtė - violin (Lithuania), Dovilė Juozapaitienė - viola (Lithuania), Anita Barlote - flute (Latvia), Roger Arve Vigulf - clarinet (Norway), Thomas Collingwood - cello (Great Britain), Mindaugas Bačkus - cello (Lithuania), Sonata Zubovienė - piano (Lithuania), Rokas Zubovas - piano (Lithuania).
Price of the concert 20 Eur.*
Festival subscription is valid.**
SPONSORS. Miliūnas Public Library, International Translators and Writers Centre in Nida.
ORGANIZER: "Violoncelli muzika"