Different generations - one music!
Saulius Lipčius (guitar) with his son Teodoras
Aistė Bružaitė (canklės) with her daughter Akvile and son Lukas
Boys' groups of the "Ąžuoliukas" choir, teachers Daiva Leipuvienė and Edita Narmontienė
It is always fun to pass on the mastery of music and singing from one generation to the next, to keep traditions alive. This festival concert will be a great proof of that. The audience will have a unique opportunity to hear family duets on stage.
The boys' choirs of the third and fourth grades of theĄžuoliukas Music School will perform songs from Vytautas Miškinis' cycle "Padainuosim fabėlė". Aistė Bružaitė (canklės) with her daughter Akvile and son Lukas and Saulius Lipčius (guitar) with his son Teodoras will solo together and add their songs to the programme.
Invite your whole family to the concert, and let the Song and the Songlet performed by different generations ring out.