Next session: Sun, 30 Mar 2025, 17:00
Legendary songs by composer Algimantas Raudonikis.
Many generations grew up with the legendary songs of Algimantas Raudonikis "Lauksiu tavęs ateinant", "Švelnumas", "Laiškas motinai", "Kur balti keliai", "Dar širdyje ne sutema", "Jau vaikystė nuskambėjo", and more than one artist grew up with those songs. Many of them have already become folk songs, because not everyone will tell you the name of the composer. So we invite you to the folk songs concert DAR ŠIRDYJE NE SUTEMA!The concert will feature songs sung by Judita Leitaitė and Dainius Puišys, who have sung together in the composer's concerts, and musicologist Viktoras Gerulaitis, who has sung together many times in the composer's concerts, and musicologist Victoras Gerulaitis, who will talk about the composer's creative pranks and his serious intentions. The performers will be accompanied by the music ensemble "Septemband" (directed by Modestas Jukna). We invite you to an evening of songs!