in 2004 an ensemble of professional vocalists was created, promoting the art of the classical genre in Lithuania. Inmezzo's repertoire consists of popular classics: songs by Lithuanian authors, arias from operas and operettas, fragments of musicals.
The uniqueness of "Inmezzo" is the joint stage activity of Aušra Stasiūnaitė, docent of the Singing Department of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, and the students of her solo singing class. Ensemble members are laureates of Lithuanian and international competitions.
The ensemble's repertoire covers a wide range of genres, described by the word "inmezzo" - the golden mean between serious classical and popular music. The repertoire of the ensemble includes J. Offenbach's "Barcarole" from the opera "Hofman's Tales", "Flower Duet" from L. Delibes' opera "Lakme", "Habanera" from G. Bizet's opera "Karmen", "Hymn to Love" from C. M. Weber's opera " Laisvasis šaulys", "Cats" by G. Rossini, "Waltz of Love" by J. Cechanovičius, A. Raudonikis' song "Mother's world", written especially for the ensemble "Inmezzo", and many other works.
The ensemble actively performs concerts, participates in musical projects, television shows, festivals, charity projects. During several years of activity, the ensemble performed in many Lithuanian cities, as well as in Prague and Bratislava. "Inmezzo" sang together with famous artists (eg with maestro Virgilius Noreika) and collectives (eg with the LRT light music orchestra led by Jaroslav Cechanovičius).