The ensemble "Regnum musicale" ("Kingdom of Music") consists of four musicians - the Daunytė sisters - Joana, Vita Marija, Elena and Kotryna Ugnė - laureates of international competitions and Grand Prix winners. The ensemble performs both classical, popular and ethnic music, and improvises. This group is distinguished from others by the fact that it includes a harp. "Regnum musicale" was invited to hold a series of concerts in the United States of America, participated in the classical music festival "Festival Classique de la Madeleine" in Geneva (Switzerland), was invited to perform a unique concert program at the World Harp Congress in Hong Kong, and at the International Competition of Chamber Ensembles with Harp Concurso Ibérico (Madrid, Spain) was awarded the first prize.Members of Regnum Musicale organize educational programs aimed at bringing listeners of all ages closer to the art of music and fostering a love of music both through listening and through active participation. The musicians have earned the thanks of the presidents of the Republic of Lithuania, Valdas Adamkaus and Dalia Grybauskaitė, for their musical achievements and promoting the name of Lithuania abroad.