
Who am I?

Who am I?


Opis wydarzenia

The State Choir "Vilnius" presents its latest project - the modern opera "Kas aš?".

It is a one-act opera created by five composers - Martynas Bialobžeskis, Jonas Jurkūnas, Giedrius Svilainis based on the libretto by Alvydas Šlepikas. Rytas Svilainis and Linas Rimša.

The plot line of the opera stretches along the paths of the life stories of the main characters of the opera and the realities created by life, when a person is faced with the presence of a loved one's illness or loss.

In the language of modern opera art, the authors raise a philosophical question - who are we? What do we become when we dive into the past and the fog of consciousness is like a dream? What does a person who goes through the metamorphoses of life become and how does a loved one cope with the new reality? The opera is based on the experiences and experiences of real people, their emotions and the search for answers to existential questions that have suddenly arisen.


The opera consists of four parts, which reveal human life as a continuous chain of ups and downs: "The Woman Screaming on the Balcony", "Butterflies in the Belly", "Nails to the Head" and "Meadow of Oblivion". All five authors of the opera express different points of view and keys to music composition in their music: in the musical parts of Jonas Jurkūnas and Giedrias and Rytas Svilainiai, there is more irony, grotesque, absurdity, while the parts of Martynas Bialobžeskis and Linas Rimša concentrate passages full of lyricism and drama, artistic solutions.

The opera is about whatever fate's card is dealt, so we must not forget those who drowned in the dreams of the meadow of oblivion.