JJ Thames, sometimes called the "Mississippi diva", is a singer from the cradle of soul music, Detroit, and a strong influence on the style, tempered by her own difficult life, painful losses and long climb to her current success. Her performances are hurricane-force, her charisma stunning, her voice like a punch line, with love, power, rage and pain.
Crystal Thomas is another blues artist who has embraced the blues tradition, lived it and is bringing it to new audiences with a striking, lush voice. She started singing at the age of two, grew up in a very musical family, surrounded by music, and later became a professional trombonist. Crystal's singing exudes power, confidence, self-assurance and shows everyone how to enjoy the moment; the blues, after all, is very much about being able to surrender to the joy of the moment. 
JJ Thames - vocals
 Crystal Thomas - vocals
 Luca Giordano - guitar, vocals
 Abramo Riti - keyboards
 Walter Monini - bass guitar
 Fabio Colella - drums