
Lithuanian animation competition programme

Lithuanian animation competition programme


Sat, 14 Sep 2024, 16:00


Event description

Traditionally at BLON - Lithuanian animated films competition programme! From the most memorable student works to virtuoso short films, which will be evaluated by an international jury and the audience will have the opportunity to get to know the diversity of Lithuanian animation.

Between Happiness and Lament
2024 / Lithuania / 3 min. 3 sec.
Which Vonnegut's "Sirens of Titan" was published in 1959 as a cheap paperback fantasy book. But the writer really went much deeper. We are just part of the system - our destiny is predetermined. And who controls it - the Universe, the Big Bang, God, extraterrestrial civilisations or the planet Tralfamadore - is a mystery to us for now. And, as K. Vonnegut writes, the purpose of the Earth and of human beings can be incredibly stupid. Meaningless to the point of impossibility. We are puppets of the Tralfamadorians to help them fulfill their naïve purpose.Director: Saulius JuknevičiusScreenwriter: Saulius JuknevičiusProducer: Valentas AškinisProducer. 1251  
On Mindaugas' wedding day in Lithuania, events take an unexpected turn. Determined to save his love, he searches for her in all possible dimensions, in hell, in heaven and even higher.Director. 52 sec.
No matter how much we try to save the Earth, even if we succeed, one day the sun will explode. It will burn up and die, just like everything around it. What's the point then?Director: Greta SemionovaitėScreenwriter: Greta SemionovaitėProducer: Greta SemionovaitėProducer: University for the Creative Arts

Kanopos ir skateos
2024 / Lithuania, France / 12 min. On a beautiful winter day, two friends - Piglet and Cow - are having the time of their lives skating on a frozen lake when they suddenly realise that something very big and scary is living underneath them. However, that something asks for help, so the friends, overcoming their fear of the stranger, resolve to help and discover another, very mysterious world.Director: Ignas MeilūnasScreenwriter: Titas LauciusProducers. 11 11 sec.29 sec.
A young woman's transformative journey towards motherhood. Director: Birute SodeikaiteScreenwriter: Birute Sodeikaite Producer: Birute Sodeikaite

Plica Polonica
2023 / Lithuania / 7 min. 41 sec.
Plica polonica, or caltun, is an ancient disease that makes hair uncombable. The main character of the film, a real bitch, sets out in search of a "cure". She hopes to find the answer in the most caltony-loving of all, the infamous Baba Yaga: Agata TracevičScreenplay by: Agata TracevičProducer: Agata TracevičProducer: Vilnius Academy of Arts

The One Who Knows
2024 / Lithuania, France / 12 min. 4 sec.
Ula is a shy and unconfident teenager who loves to swim. During a routine workout, she gets involved in an unexpected adventure that helps her to grow up, accept herself and see her body in a new light.Director.